Thursday, October 30, 2008

Up In Arms

A conflict has begun in Harold, Texas, A conflict on whether or not teachers should carry armed guns to classrooms. Recent shootings have occurred and complaints say that nobody was even prepared. Some teachers or staffs are voting against it, yet some want to enforce it. The argument is that teachers don’t have enough experience to even carry a gun. Who knows if they would have the courage to shoot an armed student? Their reason for this “Gun” Idea is that they need to protect there pupils.
School shootings are very dangerous and there are no near police stations, despite the 30 mile down the road, but police wouldn’t make it in time. The school budget is poor and the can’t afford actual security guards, so they train there teachers instead. Brian Siebel an attorney at the Brady Center to prevent gun violence argues and says “This is a dangerous overreaction to a non problem.” He believes school shootings are rare and are less likely to occur. There are doubtful questions like, What if a student gets a hold of the gun and does something stupid, or what if the teacher gets mad and knows that the gun is there. Another point of the debate is that training doesn’t come as easily as a gun license. Seibel says “Implement security measures and hires a peace officer; don’t give all teachers a gun and hope nothing bad happens.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caring for the Big Guys

The article “Caring for the Big Guys” is about, “Horses, cows, and the occasional giraffe provide daily on the-job adventures for large-animal vets.” To become a veterinarian, you need to go to Veterinary school and study for four years to earn you Veterinary medicine degree. Veterinary schools in the United States graduate an average of 2,700 veterinarians each year. WOW!
The numbers of doctors’ profession has decreased about 25 percent as more veterinary students opt to treat smaller animals. You got to love animals to be a veterinarian. I mean you ever heard of someone being a veterinarian and not liking animal?
I think it would be a little dangerous treating large animal such as horses, cows, sheep, giraffe, and so on. But I think I would be dangerous working with them because, sometimes the large animals may get spooked even though you’re only trying to help them, and they could do something that is maybe not good. But unless you are really a professional, then you wont have any trouble working with livestock animals.
I’ve always wanted to become a veterinarian, but after reading about what happen to Bob getting kicked in the lips and stuff…I don’t think I’d be able to work with the livestock animals, so for now i'll stick with dogs and cats.

A Growing Field

The article “A Growing Field” is about, a guy named John Christian. John gets up every morning at 7 am and lets out his chickens out of the hen henhouse. He opens up his greenhouse and starts watering his plants. He bought a property to raise animals such as chickens and goats. Then Three years before that he started an organic farm. “I don’t really think there is a day off…because it’s really more of a lifestyle.” Says John. And I think that is true.
It takes hard work to have a farm. You have to be really responsible. That means getting up early and getting things done. And no days off, because you know you that responsible. You have to have strong work ethic to go out there every day. “The best way to learn how to become a farmer is to work on an actual farm.”
The average income for a small farm was $15,603, not counting government subsidies. Just a small farm as having fewer than 179 acres or earning less than $50,000 per year.
“You see it start from a small seed and watch it grow!”

Monday, October 27, 2008

Face Off

The article “Face Off” is about, two candidates, and three big issues. The election of who to be president is between Obama and McCaine. America has a chance to choose who they will vote for but, whom ever is chosen, has to get America out of its conflict. Both Obama and McCaine have plans but, the question is “Whose plan will work?”
The Economy is getting out of hand, citizens worry about losing there homes, and jobs. McCain’s plan would be to start at the Top of the food chain, and Obama’s plan is to start at the bottom of the food chain.
The war is another big issue that needs to be solved. Obama’s intention is to stop the war and bring the troops back because, the war has cost $648 billion dollars so far. McCaine blindly wants to continue the war to help Iraq until they are strong enough to defeat the insurgents fighting them.
Also another big issue would be the oil! It is running low and prices are too high. McCaine wants to give oil companies more freedom to drill and also use other sources like wind power, solar, and nuclear power. Drilling would be the first priority though. Obama knows that drilling is a temporary solution, but he wants to focus more on the harnessing renewable energy source, like the sun and wind.
Now the decision lays in the votes of all cover 18 American citizens. If I were old enough to vote, I would surely choose Obama, because I think his methods would actually work!!